This is a safe place to discuss everything taboo (politics, religion, sex). My personal journey includes severe mental illness post-military service. Being a combat veteran and military sexual trauma survivor (MST) was directly related to the almost lethal transition for me into the civilian sector.
Transition from military service was coupled with my first massive spiritual awakening. The journey dang near took me out a handful of times. I could have been one of the 22; I beat the statistics. I've made it my life's purpose to head back into the fire to carry buckets of water to help others out of the flames.
No one should ever have to feel they are all alone, or going batsh!t crazy. Sometimes you are not crazy and your feelings are valid, and you just need someone to see you and hear you. Say less, I got you, fam :)
Welcome to my page, this is my artistic expression & this is my story. Get cozy, get comfortable, you just might be here for a while. Enjoy :)